Member-only story
Whether You Accomplish Everything Or Nothing Today — There’s No Good In Denying Yourself Joy
It’s Monday, so I think saying your to-do list is long is a fair assumption to make. You may already feel behind and that may already be impacting how you’re treating yourself. You’re not a fault for the knee-jerk reaction prompted by low productivity — we admittedly live in a culture that encourages us to link our self-worth to how much we’re getting done.
I do hold you responsible though for what you do next and you should too. I’m referring specifically to the moment right after you’ve realized that not checking everything off the list has left you with a bad taste in your mouth…about yourself.
Our productivity and self-worth being linked is a big statement that can break down to many things. In this case, I’m not limiting its definition to just how it makes you feel about yourself, your work, or your capabilities, I’m focusing specifically on how it makes you act towards yourself.
I have a history of feeling triggered into deprivation (and the therapy bills to account for this). But, I think that I’m not alone. One of the biggest things we deprive ourselves of is joy. We commit to the belief that because we didn’t write the essay or finish editing the video, we’re not worth respite and a joyful moment at the end of the day. We may…